Presidents of Mexico

Presidents of Mexico

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Tragicomedy 3

Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado

On December 1982 Mexico was on one of the worst moments of its history for the nationalization of banks and the change control. 

Finally the awaited day had arrived and Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado took possession of the presidency and in his speech he proclaimed that Mexico was on an emergency situation created by the crisis.

Arriving government elections orchestrated a brazen electoral fraud gave only a municipality to PAN and another to PARM . There were shootings, burnings shots and town councils, etc. .  

In July 1985, the PRI is served with large spoon, in addition to the complicity of the federal election commission , with all the resources of government and a crushing spread in the media, allowed the use of polls early risers old or pregnant , carousels vote, voters without identification , theft of ballot boxes etc. .In the eighties I advance dramatically the environmental awareness in Mexico , and that environmental degradation was becoming more visible and alarming that created the urban development secretary and later ecological and environmentalist Green PartyThe September 19, 1985 , at 7:19 in the morning Mexico lived eternity of the moment when the earthquake struck most devastating in the history of the country. 
A discutidísimo topic has the mid- eighties was external debt . Like most third world nations , most Latin American countries , with Mexico , Brazil and Argentina to mind had tens of billions of dollars to the IMF and international financial centers and in 1985 Mexico joined the GATT finally the IMF gave the example of Mexico to the rest of the world and the United States chose to start the Baker Plan , which involved loosening the reins to those who behave themselves , as lent more money to indebted countries to fulfill their commitments abroad.

De la Madrid´s motto was “by the moral renewal of society” against corruption and different public servants were judged; but failed to distract people by rising prices and they started to demand better wages. 

The PAN stated to gain strength especially north of the country which said society discontent towards the government. 

Privatization was essential for government downsizing. 

On 1986, Juan Rulfo died of pulmonary cancer at 68 years. 

The United States launched a project to "tame" Mexico because was considered as national security issue to them. In response, De la Madrid was part of the “Contadora Group” in order to stop American intervention on Latin America. 

On November 19th 1984 an Pemex station (San Juanico) blew up and hundreds of people died that day. The explosion was produced by the lack of maintenance on site. 

In 1986 the dominant theme was the soccer world championship 1986. Originally , the seat was Colombia , but the Colombians argued to be very worn and backed out , so adjudge FIF headquarters to Mexico for a second time he decided to take championship spending despite the economic crisis, or perhaps because of it.

Miguel de la Madrid never hear the reasons for the PAN and got into the anger of patriotic fraud in elections to appoint governor of Chihuahua , 67 mayors and 14 deputies in 1986.For the good of the country had to stop the PAN and so he was called chihuahua patriotic fraud . electoral law was reformed to make the aberrantly to the needs of fraud is manipulated the census and abolished the 15 % of voters and polling locations only published a time.

In October, the succession struggle was officially opened when the leader of the PRI uncapped four secretaries of state and distinguished as potential PRI official party candidates for president : Manuel Bartlett , Carlos Salinas de Gortari , Alfredo del Mazo and Miguel Gonzalez Avelar .

In March, the PRI organized its assembly of the drive on which the Madrid , emulating Lopez Mateos , with Luis Echeverria and Jose Lopez Portillo , who got a hug as fariseico deaf to whistling and shouting some present thief ! . The PRI abandoned its historic program and adopted the neoliberal of the SPP and the president. "There was consolidated Salinas 's candidacy .

Carlos Salinas de Gortari 

Carlos salinas de gortari was president of mexico to 1988 to 1994.

He decided to push for a thorough reform of the Constitution and the laws on land. After intense debates that shook the structure of the PRI, the reform was approved by the House of Representatives on December 7, 1991 and by the Senate on December 12 of the same year.The amendment was published on January 6, 1992 in the Official Journal of the Federation and entered into force the following day.
One of his first acts was the launch of the National Solidarity Program (PRONASO). This program was headed by Carlos Rojas Gutierrez, then secretary of Urban Development and Ecology, starting Patricio Chirinos Calero and was largely administered by the Secretary of Planning and Budget Ernesto Zedillo. Later in January 1992, it became part of the newly created Ministry of Social Development, with Luis Donaldo Colosio, as a starter.
The FTA (Free Trade Agreement) negotiations began in order to facilitate trade between Mexico and its northern neighbors, the United States and Canada. In December 1992, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed by the presidents Salinas de Gortari, George Bush and Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney.

During the last year of his administration, the January 1, 1994 day that NAFTA went into effect in the state of Chiapas Indians raised a rebellion of poor and deprived of land, called the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), they called a "civil uprising" Pacific to defend the rights of voters in presidential elections due to be held in August. to what Salinas chose negotiation instead of repression, but the spate of complaints of the rebels was an embarrassing reminder of the deteriorating conditions in rural areas of Mexico. Mexico's GDP rose in the first term of Salinas managing an annual average of 3.2%. In 1993 the rate contrasted only 0.4 %, partly due to government action to preclude overheating of the economy, but in 1994 recovered the previous pattern. Inflation stamped in 1989 to 19.7 % in 1990 to 30 % praised and thereafter proceeded gradually to 7.1 % in 1994 , without concordance rate in 22 years.

Salinas carefully alerted every eventuality that would allow Mexico to connect to emerging initiatives of the new global economy. In order to differentiate where possible commercial buyers, Mexico was the first Latin American country joined the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC ) , the scene of the First Meeting of Heads of State and Government of the organization held in Seattle 19 to November 20, 1993 , while the reception, May 18, 1994 , at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD ) , international capitalism club representative who until then had extended membership any of those classified as newly industrialized countries agreed to identify him with the first economic world , however continue Mexico stranded between medium developed countries .  

But the benefits in disputes against inflation and fiscal deficit ( in 1992 the Salinas ended this endemic pathway unmasked by exposing the public debt and scored a spectacular surplus of 3.4 % ) were retained great sacrifices of the population , especially the systematic decrease in the purchasing power of the middle and lower classes . To redress the low wages , reforming the ejido and the annihilation of many protectionist and welfare interventions , the State launched the National Solidarity Program ( Pronasol ), which , funded from the proceeds of privatizations , invested 18,000 million communications infrastructure , social services, subsidized housing , scholarships and other assistance , but the opposition did not stop paying attention to this program the last campaign of proselytism and PRI patronage , troubled confronting the next elections . Another chapter in which the Federal Government had identified was the environmental performances with measures against air pollution and urban decay in the megalopolis of Mexico City .

 Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León 

Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León was president of Mexico (1994 to 2000), he was the candidate after the murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio.

The presidential term began in difficult circumstances such as internal and external debt, high unemployment rate, inflation, guerrilla movements in the south of the country, corruption in institutions and police forces, killings and mass executions as Aguas Blancas and Acteal, insecurity and increase in organized crime, all these problems and raised in the middle of an economic crisis that the country posed great challenges.

From the presidency prompted reform of the electoral system, held legislative elections (1997).

He was adjusted to the points of Neoliberalism, where one of the first points I try to apply was the development of human capital theory, which conceives of underdevelopment and poverty as a result of the lack of human capital (education and productive skills) between the populations.  The second point is the pursuit of productive efficiency avoiding the waste of resources.

On the other hand, thanks to Zedillo there was a Mexican political opening in July 1997 allowed the electoral victory of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas (PRD) as head of government of the Federal District, when the PRI also have kept an absolute majority in the Chamber of Deputies. At the end of his term, he became the first president to recognize emanated PRI defeat in the presidential election.